Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Panic Attack

I'm currently trying to fight off a panic attack. Two mediocre test grades, one mediocre essay grade combined with more work than there are hours in the day is freaking me out. In the past four days I've probably eaten sufficiently for one and yet I'm not hungry, nor do I have to time to care. I'll be offline for awhile. Please send your love, I could use it right now.


  1. I hope things get better for you Cricketina! *HUGS* *HUGS* & more *HUGS*

  2. You got it! Here's enough hugs to last you for a minute. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG!

    Don't panic -- everything will turn around, just think postive! and remember to say to yourself all the time, that you are magical and everything will be as you desire it.

  3. Sending love - a little late but still sending.
